Monday, July 17, 2017

Google Hangout

July 16, 2017
Google Hangout

 Google Hangout was a great way to collaborate with others remotely and in real time.  You must have a camera and microphone on your computer but if you have a Google account, you simply click the Google Hangout button, enter the email address of the person you want to "hangout" with and start.  You "answer" the call button as it lights up on your screen and a pop up screen will display the live video of the person you called.  You can have a live chat and work on projects, or visit!  My new pal Amy and I worked on a project together and were able to upload files from Google Drive, edit that document together and reference several other files all at the same time.  For a novice, this was super easy and I'll definitely be using this often for PLO for myself, in the classroom for author studies, connecting with other classrooms, buddy reading, etc.

Rubric for Google Hangout

Not Effective (1)
Partially Effective (2)
Effective (3)
Very Effective (4)
Easy to use for a novice
Could not use had to change tools.
Could use, but with limited ability. It was complicated or ineffective.
Used it with efficiency and effectiveness
Used it with efficiency and effectiveness with no glitches.
Cannot be accessed by desktops, laptops, or mobile devices or too expensive.
Can be accessed by limited devices, moderate expense, requires large download.
Can be accessed by multiple devices including computers and mobile devices, little to no expense, web based platform
Can be accessed by all devices, is available for free in web based platform with no large file or app downloads.
Information sharing
Could not share information.
Sharing of information was difficult and ineffective at times.
Information was shared in an effective manner.
Information was shared efficiently and effectively with ease.
Communication/Collaboration Tools
Did not allow for good flow of communication of ideas
Flow of communication was interrupted and/ or it was difficult to collaborate.
Flow of communication was good and was able to keep collaboration going by sharing work samples with few interruptions.
Flow of communication was excellent. Collaboration was easy with the sharing of work samples was smooth with no interruptions
Support/Help Option
There was no help menu found.
Help menu was found, but had limited options and was not effective in resolving any issues.
Help menu was easy to find and understand.
Help menu was easy to find and understand. Had a lot of information that was easy to sort through and solve problems with efficiency and effectiveness
Archived/Searchable Topics
Did not archive Searchable topics
Date and time stamp only
Does archive text and transcript
Archives video, audio and text automatically
Fast Communication and Notices of New Data Input
No notice of new data input
Notifies user but does not do so immediately.
Immediate notice with access on device with email updates 24/7
Notifications in real time but they are also customizable: user can turn notifications on or off in his/her setting.  
Participant Engagement
Did not hold participant engagement
Held participant engagement for a short time and/or short intervals
Held engagement long enough to complete required tasks
Held participant engagement long enough to complete required task and participants expressed the desire to use the tool again

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