Sunday, June 12, 2016

Module 5 Collaboration Task/Effective Communication Tools #3 PhET

This communication tool that I have been exploring is called PhET (Physics Education Technology project) it originates out of the University of Colorado Boulder and is a site specific to interactive activities or simulations. I have not used it with my students as of yet but upon looking at it I believe it will be a awesome place to go to challenge and to use as an RtI (Response to Intervention) tool. It is free which is a good thing. Teachers can add activities if they want to or just use the activities that are already available. It is very user friendly and reaches all grade levels. It is not specific to standards but can clearly by aligned to any standard that you are addressing. You do not need to set up an account for this site unless you want to submit activities. I give it a 3 for Learning Effectiveness which is important if you need a tool to engage students and motivate them to learn.
       Evaluation Rubric for Communication Tools

1 (Below Expectations)
2 (Near Expectations)
3 (Meets Expectations)
Learning Effectiveness
__No collaboration tools
__Motivation is minimal
__Very few students are engaged
__Clearly does not challenge learners
__No graphics
__Does not meet learning objectives
__Collaboration tools may not be as effective
__Motivates some student learning
__Engages some students
__Meets and challenges the needs of most learners
__Uses some graphics that promote understanding
__Meets most learning objectives being addressed
__Promotes effective collaboration
__Motivates student learning
__Engages all students
__Meets and challenges the needs of all levels of learners
__Uses graphics to promote understanding
__Meets all learning objectives being addressed
Reliability & Support
__Very little tech support
__No updates or they cost money
__Does not support instructional strategies or only touches on a few
__Does not track student progress
__Does not provide assessments
__Teacher needs a lot of support
__Tech support is available but not as accessible
__Some updates provided
__Supports most instructional strategies
__Tracks student progress
__Provides some simple assessments
__Challenges teacher
__Easy access to tech support
__Provides updates
__Supports instructional strategies
__Effectively tracks student progress
__Provides built in assessments
__Teacher friendly
Ease of Use
__No expectations
__Instructions confusing; clearly not user friendly
__May not fit some student abilities
__Navigation features and menu are very confusing
__Expectations may be confusing
__Instructions are a bit complicated
__Student friendly but not so friendly for parents
__Navigation features and menu may take time to understand
__Clear expectations
__Simple instructions
__Parent and student friendly
__Clear navigation features and menu
__Many ads or pop-ups
__Students information can be accessible to others
__Teacher has not tested out the site
__ Teacher can not monitor
__Students do not have accounts
__Some ads or pop-ups
__Students information can be accessible to others
__Teacher may not be able to monitor the student's progress 
__Students do not have accounts
__No ads or pop-ups
__Private access
__Teacher tested
__Constant monitoring
__Students/Teachers have private accounts
Technology Requirements
__Teacher does not have access to accounts or unblocking sites
__Laptop of devices are limited
__Tools may be difficult to use and understand
__Lacks one or more options such as text, video or audio
__Students can use the tool on one device such as an iPad, phone, or computer
__Most activities cost money after a limited time
__ No storage space
__Students can not have accounts
__Teacher access to “unblock”
__Most students have access to devices
__Teacher has an understanding of the tools
__May have limited  text, video, and audio options
__Tools can be used on most devices such as iPads, phones, and computers
__ Free limited activities, accounts and etc.
__ Some storage is in the cloud
__Limited number of student accounts
__Teacher access to “unblock”
__One-on-one laptop time
__Teacher has a clear understanding of the tools
__Has text, video, and audio options
__Students can use the tool on multiple devices such as iPads, phones, and computers
__ Free unlimited activities, accounts and etc.
__ Storage is in the cloud
__Unlimited student account (users)
Curriculum Connection
__Is not standards based
__Not aligned with the Common Core
__Only focused on one task
__Not engaging
__Unclear expectations
__Few assessments
__ Can not change settings to meet students needs
__No reporting access
__Standards based
__Some standards may be aligned with the Common Core
__Some integrated tools
__Expectations are established
__ Post assessments
__Some differentiation for individual students
__Students can see the data
__Standards based
__Aligned with the Common Core
__Integrated when possible
__Interactive and very engaging
__Clear expectations
__Pre and Post Assessments
__Differentiated with flexibility to change settings to meet student needs
__Reporting: Data is available to the student/teacher/parents

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