Friday, November 28, 2014

Heidi Waterhouse Tool #3- Wideo

For my third tool, I decided to take another one I discovered this summer through my previous masters classes. I chose this one because it is designed for more of the older student crowd. Wideo is a great resource to broaden the student's creativity in a fun way! It can be used many different ways in a classroom. As you can see by my example below, you can use it from math to reading to writing. It all depends on what you are looking to do. It is also a great resource to make classroom procedures on.

-templates to get you started on a story/presentation
-user friendly ways to change templates
-many different colors/fonts to fit your needs

This is how I scored it off of our rubric:
*Student Engagement: This would be a 4. I tried Wideo with my students just to experiment and see if it is something they could use. It can be accessed off laptops, which means all my students can use it at once. That right there caught their engagement, because they did not have to wait their turn to use the ipad. They loved it. It was tricky to get started at first, but I showed the students how to navigate on the smart board and they were so excited and ready to learn.

*Accessibility/Relevance: This would be a 4 as well. You can use this tool across any content area. It all depends on what you trying to do. I tried it with math below, and when I helped my students I used it in writing. I have also made one for classroom procedures. The students have made one as a group project for a math concept. I have limited them to only certain templates though.

*Capabilities/Customization: This would be a 3 because I have limited my students to only certain templates. I may open up more as they get comfortable. It is a very flexible program as soon as the students get comfortable with it.

*Safety: The safety would be a 3. Again, this website is not really designed to have a classroom. I ended up using my login and the students built stories off of mine. So essentially it could be a 4, but I still think a 3 is more fitting.

*Thinking Skills: This is a higher order thinking tool, so it would be a 4. It takes time to learn how to navigate the site and then you have to preplan what you are going to produce before you start. It is a multi-step process to learn wideo.

This is the rubric I used: Rubric

Here is an example of a Wideo I made this summer: Jack and the Beanstalk remixed!

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